was Anderson's first SENTENCE!!! Woohoo! When the boys woke up on Thursday they headed straight for the Christmas tree. They were touching the ornaments and little Anders slowly said "I..... like...... Santa Claus". I was so excited but also a little wierded out by it. Since then he has said "I need help." and "Take these off." and each time I have been taken aback. It just seems so strange to hear this little person express his wants and needs with words rather than the strange monkey noises I'm used to.
He has also mastered singing quite a few songs. He can sing along with both of the Sesame Street CD's and he is pretty darn good! He hits both the high and low notes and hearing him makes my heart soar. His favorite random song to sing is from Yo Gabba Gabba called "Don't bite your friends". How ironic since he is our biter.
Jake is hot on his tails. When we were driving today we drove past an entrance to the McBride's neighborhood that we rarely use but Jake knew exactly what we were driving past . He started excitedly yelling "Claire's house, Claire's house" but was disapointed that it was not our destination. He often requests certain songs from our CD's, his favorite being the "la la la song" which is the L song sung by his favorite guys Bert and Ernie.
This week we ordered the boys an Elf on the Shelf. http://www.elfontheshelf.com/#/gift-shop
We have been tossing around ideas of some Christmas traditions we want to start with the boys and this was one of them. Our little elf should arrive sometime next week.
We had a busy day. We started off at Target to pick up some fabric boxes for the boys' mittens, hats, and shoes. We have so much random stuff in our entryway closets that needed to be organized and the cute little boxes we bought motivated me to do something about it. Instead of slipping a piece of paper with their name on it under the little plastic window I used a picture of them. We ended up getting rid of a bunch of useless junk we have accumulated and we are now able to find the mates to all of our shoes.
After the boys napped we headed out to do a return and grab dinner. The boys gots lots of attention and were called "cute little tigers" by a stranger at dinner. "No, they are not identical, yes they are twins, and he was born first" have just become part of the daily routine when we go out. The boys thrive on the attention so I guess what's the harm?
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