Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Pumpkin carving time
Anderson digs in
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
A dash of them, a heaping spoonful of me
Anderson saying his ABC's....Jake video coming soon.
The boys have been making great strides lately. They soak up new information and seem to learn new things constantly. Both can count to 10 and say their ABC's. They usually leave out two or three letters but I still think that is pretty darn good. The funniest is when they get stuck on a letter and will repeat q, r, s over and over until they finally remember that t comes next.
This week they have been mastering their shapes and colors. They are able to identify a circle, square, triangle, heart and star. The colors they know are red, blue and yellow. I've lost count of the words that they say but I do know that the most popular ones this week are witch, pumpkin, pirate, spider and vampire. Anderson is stringing 2-3 words together and Jake is right on his heels. Last week at the library, Anderson told two strangers he had "poo butt". It was quite embarrassing but he really did have a "poo butt" so what is one to do?
While we were at the library, we realized just how much the boys LOVE trains. They played with the library's train set for about an hour with no sign of letting up. I once tutored this really strange boy who was obsessed with Thomas the tank engine. He was a pretty freaky kid so I always kinda associated the trains with weirdness. In fact I used to tell Kevin our kids wouldn't play with trains. Well guess what is on their x-mas list? My sister will be picking them up a huge set that Costco has right now and I guess Santa will have to pick up the odds and ends.
Santa is going to be pretty busy this year. Kevin has asked for lasik surgery and I am getting braces. Kevin eyes are pretty bad, poor guy can barely see a hand in front of his face without contacts or glasses. He will be having his surgery done after the first of the year.
My present is a bit more complicated. I'm treating myself to braces for the third time in my life. I was lucky enough during my childhood to have been privy to braces twice, three retainers, and a head gear contraption. After 8 years of that nonsense the orthodontist waved the white flag and told my parents that he couldn't do anything more for my severe overbite and underdeveloped jaw. Surgery would be the only answer. So when I was 19 I consulted with a maxillofacial surgeon but chickened out. A possible complication of corrective jaw surgery is permanent nerve damage. Picture being numbed up by the dentist for the rest of your life. Didn't sound fun to me.
Five years ago I went back to the surgeon thinking it was time to have the surgery. Long story short I decided not to do it for a second time. Last week I returned to the same surgeon for the third time in 13 years. I'm surprised he agreed to see me again, I was afraid he might have had enough of me.
The typical surgery takes around 1.5 hours, he anticipates my surgery will be about 5 hours. I need a lot of work. In layman's terms I will have my upper jaw expanded and pushed back and my lower jaw will need to be brought forward and some work on my chin will be needed as well. I'm saddened to say that I need every procedure that the man does. BUT before any of that can happen I need to get braces. My braces should be on in the next 4-6 weeks and at this point the surgeon and orthodontist believe I should be ready for surgery in about 6-10 months.
I have mentioned the surgery to a couple of people in my life and have chuckled at their reactions...."what for?" I appreciate the polite gesture but come on people. It is quite obvious "what for". So I'm excited at the prospect of throwing my insecurities out the window over my buck teeth, but I'm also scared sh!tless of not waking up from surgery. I cried today when I found out in two weeks I'll only see the boys for an hour on Nov. 13th due to parent/teacher conferences. I can't stand the thought of not seeing them for one day let alone missing out on their little lives.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Please and Thank You
Each year, the United States Postal Service receives thousands of letters proposing stamp subjects from the American public. Many ofthe subjects ultimately chosen to appear on U.S. stamps and postalstationery arethe result of these suggestions. Ranging from breast cancer tochildhood health concerns, many critical awareness issues have beenhighlighted by the USPS over the years .Sadly, Endometriosis has not been one of them.
The ERC strongly believes that an incurable and painful diseaseaffecting up to 10 million American women and girls - and another 70million worldwide - deserves to be highlighted, and we ask for yourtimely support in helping to facilitate this mission.Stamp proposals can take up to 3 years for consideration by the USPSCitizens' Stamp Advisory Committee. We believe, however, that thetime is NOW to "STAMP OUT ENDO," and invite anyone who has - or caresfor someone who suffers from - Endometriosis to add your name to thisPetition today, sothat we may submit the multitude of signatures to the Committee fortheir timely consideration of this crucial campaign.
The diseaseafflicts 1 in every 5 women and girls. That means; either you sufferfrom it yourself -or someone you love does.Please join us in bringing widespread awareness to this insidiousillness that alters the lives of all those affected by it. Click thelink below to visit the Petition page now, learn the facts aboutEndometriosis, andlend your signature in support.Pass it on.
On behalf of the 80+ million women and girls suffering fromEndometriosis,we thank you. The International Endometriosis Research CenterA 501(c)3 tax-exempt, tax-deductible foundationWorld Headquarters: 630 Ibis Drive / Delray Beach, FL 33444
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Trick or Treat
Family Pic
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Fun with stickers
Anderson places his stickers carefully
The last time we tried stickers, Jake managed to eat one completely but this time it was different. They both stuck stickers for about 20 minutes and even though Jake tasted one, eating it wasn't his main focus. Anderson was very thoughtful in his placement of the stickers and easily removed them from the paper. Jake had a more difficult time removing them but soon got the hang of it. He didn't pay much attention of where he put them or if he stuck six of them on top of eachother. Either way they both had a good time.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
That's Two! Two Cute Babies! HaHaHa (Thunder! Lightning!)
Jake giving it a shot.
Anderson nails it. (With a little encouragment from Jake)
We have been trying to teach the boys all the things you teach toddlers: numbers, alphabet, colors, shapes etc. They have been making strides lately and will often spontaneously start counting things when playing alone. Everyone does there part in teaching the boys including the Grandma's when watching them during the day and to who we are eternally greatful, and myself after work but I think most of the credit for shaping our little monsters goes to Mumma. Tammy has been the best mother to the boys a father could ask for and they are very lucky to have someone as thoughful and loving as her.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I have writers block for titles lately
The boys have been getting a lot of outdoor time lately. We have had a streak of nice, comfortable weather days but we know they are drawing to a close. Pretty soon we'll be stuck in the house due to the cold or too layered up in sweaters, jackets and hats to even move around.
Anderson had his first visit to the dentist on Monday. He bumped his tooth a few months ago but recently it started showing some discoloration. Everyone I asked thought he needed to go, he might have an infection that could damage his permanent tooth.
I made an appointment with a pediatric dentist and on Monday the whole fam showed up to see what a pediatric dentist was all about. Jake and Anderson loved the fish tank they had in the waiting room and took no time at all to trash the play area. I took Anderson in back to see the dentist while Kevin had the pleasure of changing Jake's stinkies.
The whole thing took about 3 mintues. Dentist walks in, lets Anderson touch his gloves, looks at the tooth (gets bit), and says all is fine. Now please proceed to the checkout and pay 65 dollars. I wish I made 20 some dollars A MINUTE!!! Good news is he is fine, bad news is my mommy instincts told me that for FREE.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday, October 09, 2008
I have heavy soakers
Cloth diper with giagundous maxi pad insert filled with THREE triple layered inserts.
I have what the diaper industry calls "heavy soakers" at nighttime. We thought we had solved our problems months ago when we came up with the ingenius idea of sending them to bed with TWO diapers on. We just doubled them up. It worked for awhile but then they started soaking through those a couple times a week and now we are just at a point where they are literally up to their necks in pee come morning time. Thank god for sleep sacks, it keeps the mess contained.
So after some research I decided to buy them some cloth diapers. They look so much more comfortable than sposies and I know I wouldn't want to wake up soaked in my urine either. We tried them out last night and they were a bust. The leaks weren't quite as bad, but they did leak. So tonight we added extra inserts and we'll see what tomorrow will bring.
Just a side note...the boys got their hair cut yesterday. I'm tired of haircuts every few weeks so I told the lady to shave them down to a one on the sides and back. They look so ridiculous to no fault of their own, they are completely bald on the lower half of their heads. They look like little mushroom heads. Sorry guys, forgive me?
Sunday, October 05, 2008
When your Mom is a teacher, you have a lot of books. I had been buying books for years through the school book orders to set aside for my future little ones. I had two large tubs full of books, halloween books, thanksgiving books, books about teeth, being afraid of the dark and the list goes on and on. The boys aren't quite ready yet for anything but board books, but we set up a little library anyways. They were pretty excited when they saw all the books I have been hoarding for them.
Kevin had Friday off so the boys got to spend a lot of time with Daddy. They ask for him constantly when he is at work and anytime I take them out they think we are going to meet him for lunch. They get so upset when they realize we aren't meeting Daddy. So when they get a bonus day with Daddy they love it.
Yesterday we did our annual pumpkin picking with the McBrides. Nanny and Papa came this year and the boys loved the every minute. They really enjoyed the wagon ride through the pumpkin patch. Both of them were trying to lift and carry any pumpkin within reach. Afterwards everyone came back to our house and we ordered carryout. Fortunately we didn't forget the camera on our outing, unfortunately we did forget the memory card. No pictures to share.
Today we played catch up. We set up our little library, cleaned the bathrooms, and I organized the little people's closet. I packed up all of their summer clothes into bins and washed some of their new fall/winter wardrobe. After dinner the boys spent some time playing outside. When it was time to come in I picked up Anderson and started to carry him into the house. Jake began to cry immediately. He knew what that meant and he wasn't happy. Before Kevin knew it Jake was making a break away down the sidewalk at full speed. Poor Jakey!
Friday, October 03, 2008
Happy 21 Months
Now they are starting to string two words together, "bubble bath" and "see Mama". Today they ate their banana whole for the very first time. They proudly held their half peeled banana, taking such pride in their accomplishment. Each milestone distancing them further and further away from babyhood. I'm watching their wings grow, but I'm not ready to let them fly. I need them far more than they could ever need me.