Friday, April 04, 2008

15 month appointment and update

We took the boys to their 15 month appointment this morning. Here are the latest stats:

31 3/4 inches
23 lbs. 11 oz.

32 1/4 inches
25 lbs.

The dr. was pleased with their progress. Walking is now their preferred mode of transportation. They are eating a very well balanced and healthy diet. She was surprised that Anderson and Jake like their beans as much as they do. Their ears checked out great, so it was good news all around.

Each well visit is so bittersweet for Kevin and I. On one hand it is such an awesome experience to watch a flower bloom right in front of your eyes. On the other hand we grieve for our itty bittys, we miss those tender moments of staring into their eyes, holding their once tiny beings close to our hearts and calm and peace that it brought us. I love my mini-toddlers but I miss my babies. I hate the fact that we'll never have that back but at the same time I can't wait to see what is in store for us around the next corner.

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