Today we took the boys to downtown Rochester to trick or treat. It was a miss. Their overall awareness has increased dramatically from last year. They get what candy is, they don't get what a line is, they make obscure demands and have little stubborn minds of their own. While we were trick or treating they had several meltdowns. One guy wanted a purple pencil instead of the orange one he received and one guy wanted to hold all his candy in his hands and not put it in his bag. Oh, and of course they thought all the candy they got was fair game and they couldn't understand why they couldn't eat it as soon as it was dropped into their bag. They did come out victorious with one sucker. Let's hope those little minds reset overnight and forget about the rest of the candy they scored.
Kevin was out of town this past week from Monday till Thursday. He hasn't had to travel since the boys were born so this was a first. On a whole things went well, the boys were pretty good and I survived. We did have one stressful night, Anderson woke at about 2 a.m. wheezing with croup. I took him outside on the porch for a bit and set up the humidifier in his room and it passed. Of course I couldn't sleep after that, as I was too concerned about checking on him to make sure he was breathing okay.
Today I did a really stupid thing and cut all my hair off. I got a graduated bob and I'm less than thrilled with it. I've been at war with my hair for some time now, I was bored with it and stuck in a rut. I thought this would help. It's not terrible, it's just hair and life goes on.
My jaw surgery is tentatively scheduled for December 15th. I'm still waiting on insurance approval before that date becomes official. I wanted to back it up to Christmas break at school so I would have an extended recovery time and use as little sick days as possible.
Kevin and I have decided to list our house on the market. We met with our agent for about three hours this afternoon. We have spent the past couple of weeks weighing the pros and cons and ultimately decided that this would be a good move for us. Of course the real estate market has tanked and we will never get back what we have into the house but we now have access to a larger home in a more desirable area that was beyond our reach before the market tanked. The boys will start school in just a few short years and we both want to stay in the same house during their school years. My family moved three times during my elementary years and it sucked. I wouldn't want to do that to the boys. I can't imagine being in this house for the next 20 years. It is a very nice home but we have just outgrown it.
There are a lot of unknowns at this point. We may not be able to sell at all and if that's the case we are still in a great house in a great neighborhood with great schools. We aren't sure where we will move to. We have a general idea of where we want to go and we think we will most likely build a new home down the street from the McBrides, but we have not ruled out a used home either. We do have the option of moving into my Grandmother's empty condo if we decide to build so that is a relief. Her place is small but we will have a two car garage and basement to store all of our stuff.
Now I just need to figure out how to keep this place presentable on a daily basis.
1 comment:
Hahaha! We did the whole listing our house thing about a month ago. It never hit the market, but we still had a few showings. The realtors were pushy about getting us to dump the house at a very low price. They said we had to compete with foreclosure prices. It was too much effort and not worth the forfeited equity. I'm sad but I think we'll try again in the spring. Good luck with yours and your jaw surgery! I love the boys' costumes!
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