Sunday, July 22, 2007

My New Hobby

Anderson and Jake had a fun weekend. On Saturday we took them to the sidewalk sales in Romeo and we were joined by the McBrides. Anderson and Jake LOVE Grant and Claire, they just light up whenever we see them. After checking out the sales we headed to see Uncle Jared working at Thee Office Pub and had dinner. From dinner we walked through town to the Dairy Queen checking out all the historic homes along the way. Jake went crazy for my cone. I gave him just a smidgen of a taste, but that wasn't enough for him! He threw a fit for more and when I tried to share with Anderson he flipped out. It was pretty funny and very endearing, poor little guy wanted some ice cream but he just isn't big enough yet.
Today Grandma and Grandpa Edgar stopped by for a visit. Grandma brought gifts for the boys from her vacation to California including the bumble bee hats, from the Anne Geddes store, in the pics above. They also got some cute Anne Geddes blankets and some rockin Robeez for the fall. They have baseballs and mitts on them. Thank you!

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