At home before the party
I love days like these. These are the days I've been dreaming of for as long as I can remember. Thoughts of days like today are what would send me into a dark tailspin during the two year struggle we had to bring Anderson and Jake into our family. My heart skips a beat when I think that days like today almost didn't happen, because I was so consumed with grief that at times I wanted to give up on this heart couldn't take anymore.
Today was the boys very first Halloween party and costume parade. The boys had Halloween costumes picked out for this year, but in the final hour Anderson decided he wanted to wear his monkey costume from two years ago. Then Jake changed his mind as well and decided he wanted to be a witch. So we did our best to throw together a witch costume for Jake and we squeezed little Anders into his old monkey costume.
The boys were bursting with excitement for their Halloween party at school. Poor Anderson woke up with dark circles under his eyes from not sleeping well due to the party anticipation. The boys paraded around the school with their class as well as the other 5-6 preschool classes. All the little ones were adorable! After the parade, the boys made monster hands, ghost suckers and played with their friends.
When the festivities were over, the four of us went out to lunch. The boys chatted about their parties and inhaled their food. I guess a Halloween parade will do that to you.
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