The boys will be 4 months old this week. I don't know where the time has went, its like life is in fast forward now that the boys are here. Kevin and I feel pretty adjusted now and have an organized routine that works well. Life with twins is a busy one! Both boys are doing awesome, their curiousity level is increasing and they have become much more active babies. Both are grabbing for objects, babbling like crazy and love to engage and smile with others. As you can see from the picture they love reading books and being with their Daddy. They stare at him constantly just waiting for him to smile at them or play with them. I don't blame them, I love getting his attention too.
Jake is our sensitive guy. He is quiet and mostly content but sometimes the smallest things will upset him. He doesn't like loud sounds, the vaccuum scares the bejeezers out of him and don't you dare take the bottle out of his mouth to burp him if he is still hungry. He screams and squeaks like a little mouse. He likes talking to Anderson and reaching for him when they are playing on the floor together. Jake is curious about other people besides Mommy, Daddy and Anderson but he acts very standoffish. You really have to work to get a smile out of him.
We call Anderson the life of the party. This little guy is play, play, play. He smiles at anyone and everyone! He loves his toys and his brother Jake. I think Anderson definitely has his Daddy's pleasant and friendly disposition. Not to mention he looks just like his Daddy. Anderson is an excellent sleeper and a very easy going baby.
Both boys are just so sweet and we love them beyond words!