These are some pictures of the house from the past week. The roughing stage is almost complete, the roof just needs to be finished. Kevin and I are thrilled to say the least. Everything is coming together and exceeding our expectations. I never gave much thought to the views our house might have, probably because I was used to staring straight into the sides and backs of other houses. I was pleasantly surprised this week when I looked out our windows to see what a difference being on a walk out lot makes. The house sits up high enough to see above and beyond the homes around us and some of the views are quite nice. We're not talking mountain or ocean views, but some really cute picturesque views of the surrounding homes and landscape.
I often find my mind wandering throughout the day, thinking about the memories we will make in the new house. This will be the house that the boys will say they grew up in. Christmas mornings, first day of Kindergarten pictures on the porch, birthday parties, sparklers in the dark on the fourth of July and before we know it, a graduation party under a big tent in the backyard.
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