Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy First Birthday Bubbies (Part 2)

Big Boys!

Anderson is signing to Mommy he wants to eat.

Waiting patiently as cousin Claire reads the card.

Sesame Street Garage and tunnels to climb through

Watching the movie in our finally finished basement.

The boys had an exciting first birthday. We met Daddy for lunch and the boys enjoyed a mexican dish...chicken and beans. After lunch we came home for a nap and the McBrides called asking if they could bring pizza over to celebrate with the boys. Anderson and Jake loved having Grant and Claire over for a visit. They watch their cousins with big eyes and laugh at the goofy things they do.

Grant and Claire helped the boys open their gifts and when that was done we all settled in to watch Ratouille on the new home theater. It was the first full length feature film the boys have ever seen and they only saw 20 minutes of it because it was off to bed. Happy First Birthday Anderson and Jake...ilywamhasfeae!

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