Monday, July 10, 2006

Double Trouble

Today's appointment went great! We got to watch the babies in action and they were jumping around everywhere. As you can see in the pics they are chillin bunk bed style. Baby A is in the bottom bunk and Baby B is on the top. Baby B was swinging its arms everywhere while Baby A did a complete somersault. My official progress is 11 weeks and 3 days but both babes measured 11 weeks 6 days and are about 2 inches long each. I have gained 8-10 lbs which is a huge accomplishment for me due to the fact that I feel nauseated ALL day long but I continue to force food down about every 2 hours or so. So we were pleased I was able to put that much weight on. Our next appointment will be next Monday but we won't be able to peek in on the babies again for another 3 weeks.

The following are some pictures of the gifts we have received for the babies already and for me. Our family has already started to spoil them! We want to thank our family for all the generous gifts and emotional support you have lent us.

Frog and Duckie from the McBrides, Baby blanket and frame from Nanny and Papa Guitar and Baby clothes, maternity clothes and blanket from Grandma Merris and Grandpa Denny.

Tank top for me from Uncle Jared and Teddy Bear from Grandma Merris and Grandpa Denny.


Anonymous said...

The ultrasound pictures look very cool.

Liz said...

Beautiful babies Tammy. Glad everything is going well.

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of both of you and I know in my heart that these babies will have the best parents on earth. I am so excited to see them and give them a big hug and kiss!! The first of many. I voted for a boy and a girl but Grandpa Denny said I am only voting for what I want!! I will love them both no matter what they are. Love, Grandma Merris

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